As I continue to learn penetration testing with different labs and scenarios, my exploit research of Linux Kernels usually returns a hit for Dirty Cow. So, I thought I would take the time to learn this exploit and share my notes.
I had recently obtained a shell with another Linux vulnerability. However, I needed to escalate privileges in order to pwn the system.
Performing some quick information gathering and enumeration, I was able to obtain the Linux OS and Kernel versions.
Opening up a browser and searching exploits for the Kernel version, I stumbled upon the site of
This site was very helpful and contained multiple scripts stored on GitHub. Based on my own humor, the FireFart link caught my eye. So, I clicked on the link and performed a quick copy of the code.
Returning to my Kali system, I opened Gedit and pasted the code into a new file called dirty.c. Next, I compiled the code based on the recommendations provided within the comments of the code.
Note: the following link provided a quick tutorial on how to customize dirty.c
As stated earlier, I already had a shell and I used it to upload the newly compiled dirty script to the target system.
Once the script was on the target, I dropped into an OS shell and changed the dirty script permissions to execute.
At this point, I launched dirty and pressed the Enter/Return key to create a null password when prompted.
Note: depending on the system’s resources, the script may take several minutes prior to completing.
Once the script completed, I issued the su firefart command. However, I received a terminal error.
Performing a little research, it turned out that I needed a true terminal session in order for the script to successfully launch. So, I used Python to spawn a bash shell.
Once again, I issued the su firefart command and this time I was successful.
To validate that I had elevated privileges, I issued the whoami and id commands.
And for grins, I decided to read the /etc/shadow file and store the contents for later use.
To return the system to its original state, I simply issued the mv command to restore the backup copy of the passwd file. Once restored, I exited out of the shell, with elevated privileges, and then tried to elevate privileges again. This time it failed, as expected.
Note: I was able to re-exploit the system after the cleanup process was completed.
Dirty Cow (2016)
FireFart and g0tmi1k (2017)
Yahya 1337 (2017)
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